Project Profile

Pier 70, Special Use District (SUD) Phase 1

Forest City
San Francisco, CA
Project Cost
Project Size
28 acres

BKF Engineers (Joint Venture Partner)

Pier 70 is an approximately 28-acre development on San Francisco’s waterfront. New zoning rules for Pier 70 approved by the San Francisco Planning Commission allow for the rehabilitation of significant historic buildings on the site, as well as the construction of new buildings for housing, local manufacturing, and community amenities such as parks and open space. The project could bring up to 2,150 new homes, 1.75 million square feet of commercial office, up to 445,000 square feet of retail, light industrial, and art space to the area. Nine acres of new parks and open spaces are also planned.

The project creates protections against sea level rise at the high end of projected 2,100 sea-level-rise estimates established by the State. The grade of the entire 28-acre site will be raised. As part of that the sea-level rise plan, the 120,000 square foot historic Building 12 will be raised nearly nine feet.

AGS was responsible for providing civil engineering services for Phase 1 of the 28-acre site as part of the site infrastructure improvements to make the land suitable for residential and commercial use. AGS prepared building demolition plans for existing building structures to be demolished and associated utility services to be disconnected, site demolition and utility relocation plans for the removal of the existing structural foundations and utilities, and street improvement plans for portions of 20th and 22nd Street. Civil design services for the street improvement plans include demolition, roadway grading and paving, ADA curb ramp design, utility design for low-pressure water, recycled water, auxiliary water supply system, combined sewer/storm drain systems, signing and striping plans, and construction details. AGS also provided structural services for retaining walls, including calculations, structural plans, and details.

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